LoneStar Kit Helicopter – Single Seat Personal Helicopter
The LoneStar Kit Helicopter The 90’s brought a myriad of new kit helicopter designs to the world market including Cobra Helicopter’s turbine powered Predator single…
The LoneStar Kit Helicopter The 90’s brought a myriad of new kit helicopter designs to the world market including Cobra Helicopter’s turbine powered Predator single…
Interview: Homer Bell Bell-Air Ranch When you interview Homer Bell, it’s really not so much a question and answer session as it is a question…
Interview: Franklin Robinson R22 Helicopter MR HELICOPTER – Frank Robinson WHEN I started to formally train in helicopters I’d already spent years working on and…
The Voyager-500 two place helicopter, manufactured by Revolution helicopter Corp, Inc. (RHCI), has undergone significant improvements in some of its major components. “RHCI has found…
Bensen B9 Little Zipster Helicopter – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “The Bensen B-9 Little Zipster was a small helicopter developed by Igor Bensen in…
The Mini-copter was originally conceived as a man-carrying platform for use by the military. Its use was intended to be for Army Special Forces and…
History of Helicopters – Bell Helicopters The Bell Company receive a license to produce helicopters for commercial use in 1946, and its Bell 47 was…
History of Helicopters The earliest type of flying machine for which there is definite evidence was a model helicopter invention. It resembled a small horizontal…
ABOVE : Early Australian homebuilt helicopter prototype, believed to have flow from its owners suburban backyard. Note the long, forward facing exhaust and tail rotor…
Aerodynamics Of Helicopter Air Travel [easyazon_infoblock align=”right” cloak=”n” identifier=”1560276495″ key=”image” locale=”US” localize=”y” nf=”y” tag=”rafsb-20″] Jeane-Pierre Harrison’s new work, Principles of Helicopter Flight, is a major…