Out of Eastern Europe came another marvel of engineering by AeroKopter of the Ukraine. The AK-1 helicopter is of certified aircraft quality construction and engineering, unfortunately in most countries the powerplant – the Subaru EJ25 isn’t able to be certified.
With what seems to be some military connections, a very advanced helicopter design was created. The AK-1 Helicopter main rotor uses and infinite life flex straps with not troublesome bearings to maintain and monitor. This results in excellent response with the advantage of saving weight.
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FROM THE NEWS DESK (2011) – AEROKOPTER AK1-3 SANKA www.aerokopter.co.za www.rotorfx.com From Albert Questiaux in South Africa:
There is no direct news from Aerokopter except that they seem to be selling their small production of 10 machines per year mostly to eastern block countries. The French agent has sold seven to my knowledge.
In the Ukraine, there is a training school with five Sankas and the time flown on their first machine surpassed the 1000 hour mark several months ago. Times on other machines were 800+, 500+, 260 and 120 hours. Aerokopter has made an engine speed reduction change from Sn 46. The engine speed in the “green band” was reduced from 5000 – 5600rpm to 4700 – 5300rpm.
My own machine is till flying well (250hrs) and together with 5 other helicopters spent a week flying along our northeastern coast in May. (See attached photo with the Allouette) I re-checked with Aerokopter about “kits” and their understanding of a “kit” is a “non type certified helicopter” (Ukrainian certification) assembled at their factory.
In the Ukraine, the Sanka can also be purchased with Ukrainian Type certification which comes with all required documentation. From my and the French agents’ understanding, Aerokopter does not supply disassembled kits like RotorWay and others.
I don’t know if the FAA would allow sales of NTCA that are imported, already factory assembled with your 51% rule? I hope there is indeed a way round this rule. (Editor’s note: I’m with you in spirit but not expectant)

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