LoneStar Kit Helicopter Partial Plans*
NOTE: we continue to get people filing Paypal cases if they do not receive their plans immediately.
We use a third party system to send out the PIN numbers automatically. That companies software is old and becoming less compatible with new technology.
We now have to send most PIN numbers manually which unfortunately takes additional time.
There were no other affordable means of distributing the plans securely for a one-man operation.
Please be PATIENT as this is a niche hobby site which I run out of a passion for small helicopters.
This site is run at a huge loss, even with affiliate advertising, very rare donations and Google advertising.
If you are having any issues with the plans, please navigate to the Contact page on this site AND ALLOW US TIME TO RESPOND.
If you are not willing to allow myself a reasonable amount of time to respond, (sometime a few days) – PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THE PLANS!
Want to build your own helicopter?
The Complete Lonestar Kit Helicopter Owners Manual
Helicopter assembly drawings and information package eBook
REVISED FOR 2016 – More Drawings – More Parts – More Construction Information – New Format
Re-written; 2016 revised downloadable eBook edition – more content – more parts – available now!
Now available to all helicopter experimenters and enthusiasts…
The last known drawings including the complete operation and assembly manual for the Lonestar single seat kit built helicopter plus partial machining drawings.

The new LoneStar kit helicopter plans & information pack contains the swashplate, main rotorshaft, mobility wheels, and fuel tank frame plans, along with parts list and kit information.
There is sufficient information to build your own ultralight helicopter, personal helicopter, or experimental helicopter with a little imagination.
You can build to the original LoneStar helicopter design, or alter to suit your own ideas.
Presented here are 100’s of pages of useful information containing the complete flight manual with all assembly, run up, weight and balance information.
The information package even has the partial machinists drawings for manufacturing various areas of the helicopter including the through shaft swash plate system and main rotor shaft.
Please note, the information pack contains only the partial manufacturing drawings although enough information is provided for the helicopter experimenter to work with and build their own design.

Star Aviation’s LoneStar Kit Helicopter Partial Plans And Owners Manual.
With this builders manual you have enough information to develop and design your own homebuilt helicopter either directly based on the Lonestar kit helicopter design series 1, 2, or 3, in co-ordination with other helicopter plans, or of your own original helicopter design and layout.

You will also find this helicopter information pack contains more valuable content than many other so called complete plans sets from other homebuilt helicopter “specialist” companies.
We have included a comprehensive – “online” – photo gallery with many technical presentations of the mechanical set up of the Lonestar kit helicopter to assist you in understanding the function of this smart little homebuilt helicopter design.
Step by step assembly instruction, hardware lists, material types and many other subjects are covered. An invaluable resource for anyone wishing to build their own personal helicopter.
Requires fast internet connection (will not download on dial-up modem service) – 18.7MB.

PLEASE NOTE: machinist drawings included for only through shaft swashplate system, main rotorshaft, landing gear wheels plus various other minor parts.
2016 REVISION – many new parts added in hand drawn plans taken directly from the latest of LoneStar helicopters manufactured, including any updates.
Added are the lower airframe, most of the control system from stick to blades, and tail rotor assembly.
Redback Aviation presents the only known remaining compilation of plans, video footage, drawings and manuals on the LoneStar kit helicopter range containing the latest frame and engine update information.
Enough information is provided for the average helicopter experimenter to construct their own LoneStar or design a variation of the LoneStar Helicopter.
See our comprehensive photo gallery with hundreds of technical views.

LoneStar Kit Helicopter Clutch Lever On Frame
Chapters include:
Group 1 – helicopter frame package
Group 2 – drive system
Group 3 – controls & tail rotor
Group 4 – rotor head & swash plate
Group 5 – additional items
Group 6 – kit options
Group 7 – adjusting & balancing
Group 8 – appendix
Information contained will give an understanding of the assembly, maintenance and operation of the LoneStar kit helicopter.
The comprehensive owners manual is based on the latest production model produced before LoneStar Aviation closed their doors.
Bonus – also included is the earlier LoneStar kit helicopter owners manual!
Note: This is not a complete set of blueprint plans, please read description; eBook Format!
STEP 1: Click to Download eBook and SAVE to your computer. (will LOCK to this computer ONLY!)
File size 18.7MB – (19,664,444 bytes)
STEP 2: Click “Buy Now” – you will be taken to PayPal to process secure payment
STEP 3: After payment you MUST CLICK – “Return to Redback Aviation”
STEP 4: You will be re-directed ONCE ONLY to the ACCESS PIN page.
Record the Access PIN in a safe place!
NOTE: The book will always remain anchored to the computer it is downloaded to so choose wisely – we suggest a laptop if available for portability.
Your e-Book can only be read on the first computer it is opened on. If the file is duplicated, those copies will not work on a different computer.
By default to ensure that our PINs are not given away by accident, we will lock them to our page only (PINs won’t show on another page).
The PIN lock requires the browser to publish your referrer page information. Some privacy blocking systems block this by default and make it impossible for us to distinguish, whether your PIN code is displayed within our page or not.
By default eBookGold will not display the PIN code if the referrer information does not point to our page or is not available.
Currently our account is setup to show the PIN code after purchase – though modern security software can accidentally block this!
Click on the “Download” button. This will prompt you to “Save” the LoneStar eBook file to your computer. This is the actual eBook plans file in it’s “Locked” format with a preview image.
TIP-1: Windows security may state “Publisher could not be verified” when opening eBook file; please click “Run” to continue.
Click “BUY NOW” button. After payment through PayPal you MUST CLICK “Return to Redback Aviation” (at the PayPal checkout) to be redirected to the thank-you page with a ONE TIME display of your access PIN which will “Unlock” the entire book. Visiting page directly will not show the secret access PIN. If you have difficulties, email us through the contact page for assistance.
TIP-2: Some security software “may” ask if you trust this program, please select “Yes, I trust it” as all our eBooks are virus free.
MAC USERS “Is there a way to run eBookGold on a Mac system running OSX?”
At this time, eBookGold only supports Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/VISTA/7/8 and 10 systems (our eBooks are compiled with eBook Gold software). HOWEVER, you can still run it on a Mac IF you have 3rd party software installed that can emulate the Windows environment.
GuestPC (http://www.lismoresystems.com) is an inexpensive emulator which can be purchased online and downloaded.

LoneStar homebuilt helicopter tail rotor assembly
PLEASE NOTE: All information is © International Copyright Protected and not available for re-distribution. Offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
All information remains the property of Redback Aviation and may not be copied, altered, re sold, manipulated, posted for public display or otherwise. All information is provided for educational purposes only.
You understand and agree that Redback Aviation and all of it’s related persons are in no way responsible or liable in relation to the information supplied, presented or otherwise implied. While this manual does contain numerous machinist drawings along with dimensions and parts lists, it is not being presented as a complete "plans package".
*The ability to manufacture all parts excludes main rotor blades, seat tank and cog belt drive pulleys which can be purchased separately. Most other items can be manufactured by any reasonable machine shop.
PLEASE NOTE: Please note that Star Aviation is no longer in existence and the LoneStar kit helicopters are no longer produced. Mr Ken Rehler passed away recently so this is the only known remaining source of information licensed to be advertised and distributed to the public. All property is copyright protected.
WHY ALL THE SECURITY? – Previously Redback Aviation paid $25,000 advertising rights for some helicopter related materials. In good faith, we sold that information on to customers “unprotected” and saw it pop up all over the net for free. Our sales amounted to around $1,500 prior to this, netting us a total loss of approximately $23,500. Please understand why we had to take all these “security” precautions. We are privately funded (money comes out of MY POCKET) and the sponsored advertising only “just” pays for hosting and domain registration renewals. This site is run for the benefit of all helicopter experimenters.

dear sir.
I whould like to purche [Homebuilt Helicopter Plans :: LoneStar Helicopter].
Is this file step files or iges files or x_t files?
warm regards.
Hi Ryo, as per the information on this page, the “partial plans” are in PDF format embedded in an eBook software. You cannot download or print them due to previous copyright problems. It’s unfortunate that there are some who make it difficult for all by doing the wrong thing. Kind regards, Adam
I tried to download the swashplate plans and it did not download..
Please try: http://www.redbackaviation.com/downloads/Swashplate.exe
It’s an assembly manual, Very little useful information for scratch building.
Hi Tim, as per the heading on that page “LoneStar Kit Helicopter Partial Plans” and -Owners Manual, -assembly drawings and information package. It continues in the first paragraph, “The new LoneStar kit helicopter plans & information pack contains the swashplate, main rotorshaft, mobility wheels, and fuel tank frame plans, along with parts list and kit information. There is sufficient information to build your own ultralight helicopter, personal helicopter, or experimental helicopter with a little imagination.”
I believe the description of what is being sold is extremely accurate.